Problems with the Phonegap/Cordova geolocation plugin on iOS 8

Are you having issues with your location aware Phonegap app on iOS 8? I did too. My first attempt to deploy an existing app through Xcode on an iOS 8 device did not work. The application would not recognize my iPhone location.

Here is the quick solution:

  1. In Xcode click on your app name in the sidebar
  2. Click the Build Phases tab
  3. Expand the Compile Sources section
  4. Click the sign and add CDVLocation.m to the list of sources

That should do the trick. If not, try reinstalling the plugin:

  1. In Terminal navigate to the project folder
  2. cordova plugin rm org.apache.cordova.geolocation
  3. cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.geolocation
  4. cordova build

If you still have issues after this you need to create a new cordova project, add all of the plugins, copy all resources (www folder, splash screens, and icons) and rebuild.